2025-03-15 00:28:18 | Outside |
Temperature | 26.2 oC |
Humidity | 41 % |
Pressure | 1007.3 hPa |
Wind speed | 9.7 km/h |
Wind gust | 16.3 km/h |
Wind gust max | 24.1 km/h |
Wind direction | 97 deg. |
Rain hourRain in the last hour | 0.0 mm |
Rain dayRain since midnight | 0.0 mm |
Rain weekRain since the beginning of this week | 0.0 mm |
Rain monthRain since the beginning of this month | 0.0 mm |
LightRadiant flux in watts per square metre | 0 W/m2 |
UV Index | 0 |
Craigburn Farm, South Australia.